Contests Held, Reposts/Reblog Shares

Transition by Len’s Diary


One of my favorite entries I’ve received so far for my Creative Contests. I’m posting prompts biweekly now. If you’d care to join in, post your take on your blog or write it privately in a notebook. It’s up to you.

I really love when you guys take these writing prompts and fly with them. The imagination is an endless place to explore and it’s a beautiful thing. Keep on writing!

This is a fictional story responding to a prompt by Peregrine Arc. I have followed the themes of taking the form of a bird, floating feathers, ocean and lighthouse from the prompt but changed the location. For the original prompt in its entirety please go to the following url:

He galloped to the lighthouse keeper and instructed him to light the beacon. Turning he heard a whoosh and doubled over as the arrow pierced his stomach. He spun his horse and galloped away as another arrow drove into his back. He took the spiraling cliff path down to the beach and sent the summons. He knew there should be more words, but the agony was intense, clouding his brain, and the remaining words would not come. The horse stumbled pitching him onto the white sand of the beach. He lay in a stupor trying to fight through the pain…

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