Contest Entries

Flash Fiction: Property Values

Here is my take to this week’s Flash Fiction prompt over at Carrot Ranch. Saddle on up and join in on the rodeo. It’ll improve your writing, pardner.

Values of Stuff

“And here is a Parisian armchair, part of our priceless Sun King collection,” the museum guide announced. “Louis the XIV, you know…”

I tapped one of my dozing students and gestured for our guide to continue.

“And over here are more…No cell phones, please!”

A student fumbled to silent her phone, paling as she read a text message.

“There’s another school shooting…” she explained breathlessly.

“I think,” another student spoke, “armchairs have more value than us nowadays…”

11 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Property Values”

  1. Loved it! ❤
    It's amazing how you managed to convey so much in such a short piece
    Keep writing!

    1. Thanks, Molly. And yes. I’ve heard the kids from the Florida school have graduated and have plans to go out and rile up support for November. Interesting times we live in. Take care and thanks for all your comments and reading!

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