Memory Bound

There was something about a grand neglected house that didn’t bode well for visitors. It wanted retribution for its fall…”

Anne Ditchfield is a woman of sound mind and morals, living a life warped by schizophrenia and fatigued by modern life drudgery and routines of survival. As an early retirement gift, Anne buys Myron-a historical mansion she plans to renovate as she continues her healing journey. Notices of a missing, local girl arrive soon after and Anne finds herself visited by police officers, roped into investigations and targeted by those claiming to still serve the Myron family. Will Anne be able to determine reality from fiction and figure out who is threatening her life? Or will Myron be taken away and Anne’s life with it? Memory Bound is a multi-dimensional, horror novel mixed with just the right amount of mystery to keep readers long entranced and wondering after the final, closing paragraph.

Memory Bound is available through Amazon both as a hard print and also as an ebook. If you have Kindle Unlimited, the novel is free (currently) through that service as well. You can also ask your local library to order a copy for circulation.

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